Ten on Tuesday

I have been feeling pretty low for the last couple days (again!). Everyday scares me to the point of becoming paranoid. Some say I am a natural worrier!! During challenging times like these, it becomes especially important for me to count my blessings. Otherwise I will lose all perspectives.. right? So, I’m going to list down my blessings today. All things I feel good about –

  1. I am alive! And I love my life and the way I live! I have the sweetest parents and the greatest husband ever!
  2. I am blessed with two beautiful children! They are my world!
  3. I am reasonably healthy! I had a great childhood and an innocent transition to adulthood. I never had to worry about anything as a child/teenager. Everything was taken care of for me.
  4. I went to a great school and a good college. My school days were quiet and my college days were busy. The toughest hardship I faced was being forced to travel to Mumbai for my first job when I wanted to quit it and stay in Madras.
  5. I love to dream and can enter my dreamland any second!
  6. I have couple people in the family who I can call even at 3 AM and not get yelled at. I have 4 close friends with whom I can share anything and everything. I have many other friends who I can go shopping with, watch a movie or just chat.
  7. I am a proud owner of a newly constructed house. I love my house and I enjoy decorating/admiring it each day.
  8. I love to travel and have worked in 6 cities, 2 countries and 2 continents.  I am good at what I do and great at picking new skills!
  9. I can walk into any store (be it expensive ones or the thrift store kinds), and shop whatever my heart fancies. I love shopping that much. My wardrobe is so full and overflowing but I cannot let go anything.
  10. I like to write and blessed to have you all stop by (you lurkers too!) and appreciate me.

I have more to add to the list but I will stop here for today… I hope you guys will feel inspired to share a similar list in your blog or put in your comments in the space below.


4 responses to “Ten on Tuesday

  1. Stay strong Lavender…this too shall pass. Counting blessings indeed help.

    (I too have a draft ready, will put up one of these days…)

  2. Now print this and put it up in the refrigerator or your bathroom mirror 🙂

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