Random Letters

To the lady who always smiles at me,

You are such a sweetheart! Your warm welcome makes me feel super comfortable visiting the hospital every day. No matter what time of the day I come in, you are always there to welcome me with a sweet smile! Thank you lady!!


To my favorite colorful dupatta,

I purchased you a while ago. I have worn you only twice now and I have already got enough compliments from many people that you look gorgeous. Everyone loves you. Your vibrant colors grab everyone’s attention towards me. Thank you for making me feel special!!


To the dull boring guy in the zoom call,

Dude! You earn more than me! You have a bigger title than everyone else in the zoom call.. You can definitely afford to buy some nice shirts and look much better. Why don’t you go shopping today? Or at least this weekend? Wearing such pathetic shirts even to an important meeting…. Not so cool at all dude!!


Dear guy in the blue shirt,

I could not see your full face with a mask on. And, I’ve never seen you in anything other than blue. I’m sure you look smart and are super talented. I wish I could see your full face at some point this week.


To the almost-torn-black-shoe,

I cannot let you go. You are so comfortable. I’ve never had any problems walking with you. I’ve never tripped or fallen running with you. Please don’t wear-off anytime soon. I cannot find the “exact-you” again and I don’t want to lose you. Please stay with me. I cannot let you go!!


To you,

Yes you reading this post! I see you! Thank you for stopping by my blog today. You make my blog stats blooooooooom!


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