And this happens everyday

Okay. Okay. Not everyday but this happened last month. It was after lunch. I was damn sleepy. I had to prepare the time-sheets for the month of January for me and my manager. The calendar dates for every month is quite different in my company. They call it the 4-4-5 calendar. So, the dates for the month of Jan 2014 are actually Dec 30 – Jan 25th. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. What you all should know is that I have my paper calendar pinned in my cubicle right next to my monitor. When I say right next, it means they are parallel to each other. So, where were we? Yes, Time-sheets! I had to do the time-sheets and had to look into the December work days. What did I do you ask? I was trying to point my mouse pointer to the calendar in my cubicle and tried moving it to the left. Literally. So that I can see the dec’13 work days. I adjusted the mouse pad too, infinite number of times, to move to the previous month. I continued doing this for sometime. May be 3 minutes. Then when I got bored, I suddenly realized I was being stupid.

My Kitchen is my battlefield. I always win the battle with lots and lots of wounds. I either burn my hand in the kadai or cut my finger every other day. Β 

Sometimes after I peel some veggies, I add the peel to whatever I am cooking and throw away the veggies in the trash. Damn my brilliance! Why? Why do I do this?

At times I take out the unwashed dishes from the dish-washer and use them. Mostly the tea cups. But I do realize before pouring milk into the cup. But what I forget is the fact that Lemon always doesn’t turn on the washer every night. Sigh. Big big sigh!

Me and Lime are afraid of the pressure cooker. All we do is jump in fear when that damn thing blows off. Some days I jump while I am carrying Lime. Yes! Imagine that.

I also stand back when I throw curry leaves in oil. Why do those damn small leaves do have to do all those music and dance in oil?

I used to do this when I was this little girl. At night, I used to wake up my mom every time I had to go to the bathroom even though it was in the same room. No! I don’t do that now okay!! But still I can’t walk alone from one room to the other when it’s dark. Even in my own house!

Last weekend, I was cleaning the bathroom. I had the cleaning brush in one hand and the toilet paper I used to clean the surface on the other. Instead of throwing the paper, I threw the brush and tried flushing it 3 times. *face-palm*

My socks always vanishes from the washing machine. Somebody please tell me why.

I never iron my clothes. It’s always Lemon who does that but when I do, I burn myself. Every. Single. Time.

Why the why do I do these things? May I ask my little brain to go to some workshop to get repaired?

14 responses to “And this happens everyday

  1. LOL πŸ™‚ Been there . Done most of the things. So I hear you πŸ™‚

  2. Lol πŸ™‚ let’s send our brains to some workshop together πŸ˜‰

  3. When MIL goes to south for some function which I cannot attend due to lack of leaves at work place I cook.and the kitchen turns a battlefield only!

  4. seems my story dear!

    Good take

  5. hmmm.. so now a days u r thinking a lot and not concentrating on work.. dont keep ur mind so occupied with thoughts dear.. πŸ™‚

  6. Your brain doesn’t need repairing.. Maybe it needs a vacation! πŸ˜€
    Nice post! Fun to read. πŸ™‚

  7. Pingback: Directions? | My cOrNer oF tHe wOrLd

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