Category Archives: raNdOm

Random Letters

To the lady who always smiles at me,

You are such a sweetheart! Your warm welcome makes me feel super comfortable visiting the hospital every day. No matter what time of the day I come in, you are always there to welcome me with a sweet smile! Thank you lady!!


To my favorite colorful dupatta,

I purchased you a while ago. I have worn you only twice now and I have already got enough compliments from many people that you look gorgeous. Everyone loves you. Your vibrant colors grab everyone’s attention towards me. Thank you for making me feel special!!


To the dull boring guy in the zoom call,

Dude! You earn more than me! You have a bigger title than everyone else in the zoom call.. You can definitely afford to buy some nice shirts and look much better. Why don’t you go shopping today? Or at least this weekend? Wearing such pathetic shirts even to an important meeting…. Not so cool at all dude!!


Dear guy in the blue shirt,

I could not see your full face with a mask on. And, I’ve never seen you in anything other than blue. I’m sure you look smart and are super talented. I wish I could see your full face at some point this week.


To the almost-torn-black-shoe,

I cannot let you go. You are so comfortable. I’ve never had any problems walking with you. I’ve never tripped or fallen running with you. Please don’t wear-off anytime soon. I cannot find the “exact-you” again and I don’t want to lose you. Please stay with me. I cannot let you go!!


To you,

Yes you reading this post! I see you! Thank you for stopping by my blog today. You make my blog stats blooooooooom!


I smile…

Every time my chapathi’s puff up 🥰
Every time I get parking on the 4th floor 🥹
Every time I see these two… especially the one on the right! Seeing them on the big screen together was sooooo 🥰🥰🥰
Every time I go shopping…
This pic was taken when I went jacket shopping 😉 I like the color of the jacket, but should I keep this jacket or return? I’m not sure yet!


Small moments

That moment when you realize you don’t have to cook for the day

That moment when you get a sense of relief after a lot of tension

That moment when you meet your best friends

That moment when you eat lots of good food and enjoy lot of good company

That moment when you play games with friends and family

That moment when you step out only to realize it’s been snowing and you now have to clean the car/driveway before heading out

That moment when you watch tv until 4 AM in the morning

That moment when you wake up late and do nothing

That moment when you goto a one year old birthday party and love spending time with baby

That moment when you run from one dance practice to another

That moment when you realize the long weekend is over

That moment when you realize that there are still lot of unknowns in life

That moment when you realize you have a presentation on Thursday and you have not prepared anything

That moment when you realize you are still scared of what is going to happen next

That moment when you decide to let all tension go

That moment when you post everything in your blog and sign out for the day!



5!! At least 5 times 5 people have mispronounced my name today!

4!! I have been eating chips 4 times today!

3!! 3 day long weekend is coming.

2!! 2 more nights for the weekend.

1!! 1 more workday left this week.

There you have it! I too posted today!!

Peace!! Goodnight everyone!!


Random rant

1. Online Shopping

This one, oooooh, this one is my recent favorite! I’ve never liked shopping online but this has become my favorite time pass these days. If I have free time, the first thing I do is browse online. And just like that, I’ve got many many things for me, for lemon and for the kids. Now I’m looking to get a purple jacket. You see the spring is going to be here soon and I need something light!

2. Online Research

I love research. It could be any topic and researching it gives me knowledge. And you see knowledge is power! So why not do it online?

3. Writing

Maybe it’s just me, but I honestly–no matter how I am feeling–I love to write.

4. Staring at my phone

So appa and I are now at the hospital… waiting to see a doctor. As I wait in the emergency room, I’m spending time doing #1 – #3. There’s a long wait and all I can do now is stare at my phone while waiting to be called.


Me Time

Every one of us need “Me Time”.

This is the time you need no one near you. Not your spouse, kids, friends or family. Not even those special people whose presence comforts you normally.

The feeling to be alone all by yourself and only doing things you like is something we don’t get to experience often. So why not just do it? Right? Right!

This morning, I disconnected myself from social media briefly. I did not login early for work which I normally would do. I did not check my phone for messages until a little later in the day. As soon as the kids left for school, I shut myself in my room and did nothing.

Lemon checked on me after a while to know what I’m up to. I said “nothing”. He was shocked! You are not working? You are not cooking? He asked. “No” I replied!

What? No meetings? Did you take the day off? He asked again. “No” I replied!

Ok. So what are you doing? He asked.

Nothing came to my mind. So, I snuggled into my blanket and ignored Lemon.

After a while, I heard a Tring! Tring! My phone rang to alert me that I’ve a meeting in 15 minutes. I got up to freshen up and started my day.

Although the disconnect from everything was very brief, it was much needed. The quiet time was so relaxing. It was so refreshing! It was a great morning!

And it was a great evening too – P and I went for a walk which I loved!

Today’s relaxation was much needed after everything i went through yesterday!! I’m not sure what tomorrow looks like. We are still waiting for oncology appointment for my dad. Will keep you all posted!

A scene from my evening walk!


N for Noise

Few months ago I had to make a choice. I was pressured to take a decision.

There was so much noise all around.Too much was happening in life, at that point, and my mind wasn’t clear. I was not allowed to choose both options I had in front of me. It had to be one over the other.

There was noise everywhere and it was so hard to remain calm. It was so hard to run away. It was so hard to ignore the noise!

At one point, I just had to respect Lemon’s choice and go with it.

I was told not to make my choice solely on emotion.

I was advised I do not have any other choice.

I had to choose even if the choice came at a high price.

And for better or worse, the choice would change everything. Our Lifestyle. Our Behavior. Our Habits. Everything!

BUT finally I did make the choice!!!!!

There were people who were happy. There were people who were mad.

Well, to say the least I am now completely overwhelmed.

There is still so much noise around me. There’s still lot of questions unanswered.

There are so many assumptions. There are so many unknowns.

I’m still searching for some clarity to make sure I made the right choice.

Like I said, there is only noise everywhere! And every time I feel scared, I think of my mom, I pray to her and ask for her blessing.

*deep breath*

#Blogathon2020, #A-ZWriting, #thoughts

M for Many ~ Many things on my mind!

Alarm! Alarm! Time to rise. You have to wake up Lemon and Lime early today. But first you should get out of bed. Get up! You are late. Open your eyes! Wait! Where is Lemon? He is not in the bed. Did a miracle happen and did he wake up before you? Is he cooking? No way he would do that. Did he not come back to bedroom after putting the kids to sleep last night? No… He did not! He is snoring and sleeping with the kids in the other room!


Your closet is so empty. You have nothing nice to wear to office today. You have to go shopping again! Maybe you should ask Lemon to buy something nice for you. But first you need to remind him that his 10th wedding anniversary is coming up very soon. He needs multiple reminders!!


You hate sitting in the middle. Why didn’t you just find another seat? Why did you sit here – in front of these fat guys? There’s no enough space. Your leg hurts now. It’s going to take another 30 minutes to reach Boston! Hmmm.. Standing would have been a better choice than sitting in the middle. You should get up, give up your seat and stand. No! You can’t stand. Just adjust and sit!


You have to walk fast to catch your second train. If you walk fast you will be able to catch the orange line train today and reach office early. No! Take the green line train. Green line seems less crowded. It’s okay to walk extra 5 minutes from the green line station to your office. Stop! Don’t go. The doors are closing…. And.. and… and……. you missed the green line! Walk back to the orange line platform now!!!!


Go to the kitchen, fill your water bottle and run to the meeting. You are super late. Look-another person is walking towards the kitchen too. And he has a water bottle in his hand! Oh he is also in front of you….. Noooooo! You don’t have time to wait. You are late for the meeting. Skip the Kitchen! Skip the water! Just go to your meeting room. Oh Wait! Look who just walked in. Your manager! She is getting her coffee. She is chatting with you.. she is also late to the meeting. Well then, you can relax, fill your bottle and walk along with her to the meeting. Phew!


It’s time! Get ready to go back home. You don’t want to miss your train. Oh- wait! Someone is calling you!! What on earth do they want now? Wait what? Are you serious? Is that for real? Are you kidding? Hell no! She is serious. This is not what you wanted to hear from her. Right? Right!


Would she have lost another one today? Have they found her missing earring? Errr.. Nope! But Thank God – She did not lose the new pair of earring you put on her today!


Enough is enough. You are done for the day. Finish this post. Post it! Go to sleep! Good night!

#Blogathon2020, #A-ZWriting, #Thoughts

G for Gang. A gang that exists everywhere!

They are everywhere! Every time! Every day! They sneak up on me when I’m least expecting them.

When I’m sitting quiet and minding my own business, they come from nowhere and ask me so many questions. Only to make me clueless! And even before I can determine which question to answer first, they ask the next one!

The most obnoxious ones the gang always asks is below:

How’s your job going? Why don’t you look for openings in X company? Of course I won’t be working in my company for so many years if I didn’t like it! I’ll move on when I want to! When will you understand this? You are so irritating!

Why are you in the mall? You are always shopping! You are spending so much! Of course I go often to the mall because I love shopping. Why do you have a problem with that? And no! I’m not spending that much! I know my limits.

This isn’t right. You are wrong. You should have done this instead. Of course how can I be right.. To you, I’m never right! You irritating know-it-all.

What’s your plan for the coming months/next year/future? Seriously? I don’t even know what I’m going to have for dinner!!!

Where can I run away from this gang? Can I go to my work and hide at my desk? No! They are there! In the elevator! In the cafe! In the kitchen area! Can I go to my home? No! They stalk you, call you or will even watch your every move in social media.

Sheesh! This gang is everywhere and feasts on my discomfort. Makes me wonder where they all come from, uninvited. Isn’t it rude to ask questions they already know would discomfort the other person? I thought everyone needed their space. I thought we should respect everyone’s privacy. How wrong was I?

#Blogathon2020, #A-ZWriting, #Randomness

Eleventh hour of my night!

It is late at night. I sit on my couch, listening to some random music. I see Lemon in the Kitchen reloading the dishwasher. (He is unloading the unwashed dishes I already loaded, and loading them back again – silly fellow! He tells me I don’t load the dishes properly!! He has so much patience to take them all out and then rearrange them at 11’o clk in the night!)

I look around the room. TV is on. Lime and Lily are sleeping on the other end of the couch. The room is messy. Toys, stickers, tape, papers, markers and crayons are all lying around on the floor.  However, the disorderliness does not bother me. (This is a home that we have built far away in a world that belongs to just us. The thought that I rule this whole place is so comforting. The mess can be dealt with later!)

I stand up, turn off the TV, take Lily and leave the room. I tell Lemon to bring Lime upstairs to his bedroom after rearranging the dishes, in his way, in the dishwasher. (OMG! He is still loading the dishes! One by one. One after the other! Big and small. Long and short. One by one. One after the other! With so much patience!)

I sigh! I go upstairs to sleep.

#Blogathon2020 #A-Z writing ✍️