Daily Archives: May 3, 2013

Yet another year

I celebrated my birthday a month ago. Birthday is THE only thing that gets me really really excited. I wait for it all year. I plan for it well in advance, literally countdown and irritate lemon!! This year I had Lime with me and it made me double excited. It was so much fun. I jumped around telling both of them, “It’s my birthday today!” Lemon gifted me a Samsung Galaxy Tab after midnight the previous day along with a NYC top, bouquet and some chocolates. Yay!!  The naughty boy was also on leave on that day! So yes! Double Yay!! 😀

We woke up late, cut the cake, and went out for dinner to a great place and ordered like we haven’t eaten for a very long time. We went to The Melting Pot in Framingham and the dessert was awesome. It is a heavenly medley of fresh strawberries and rice krispies treats with chocolate fondue. If you haven’t been there, I highly recommend it.


That night, when I logged on to Facebook, what did I see? Lots of wishes posted on my wall. It took me a while to thank everyone individually. The only thought on my mind was why is the fourth of April always short? Sigh! I still feel bad that it’s over so soon. But thanks to all those of you who wished me. I will treasure all those wonderful wishes.

P.S: It has been years since I have had a proper vacation. No office work. No visa tension. No stay-at-hotel. No super-big-plans. It’s all just about family. Yes! I am in Madras with my parents now. Yay! Yay! And Yay!!!!